Category: Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Family Newsletter: 1/3/22

        Dear Commander Community, As we move into a new semester and a new year, I find myself in a state of reflection, healing, and gratitude despite the tragedies that persist in the Denver Metro. As IContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: Winter Break 12/19/21

Dear Commander Community, Congratulations on a strong finish to an epic first Semester. Each of you have so much to be proud of, please take some time to reflect on your successes, and begin to think about your strategy forContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: 12/13/21

        Dear Commander Community, Huge shout out to choir, instrumental music, and unified theater for their amazing performances last week! It is wonderful to see a semester’s worth of hard work pay off in such beautiful andContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: 12/6/21

        Dear Commander Community, I'd like to begin this week’s communicator by asking that all Commanders take a moment of silence for one of our students who lost their life this past week. Our condolences and prayersContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: 11/15/21

Dear Commander Community, Huge shout out to Ivan Calderon-Vigil, Jazmyn Vigil, and Ezekiel Romero for speaking up and out to our staff on Wednesday about how we can improve as a school in honoring and respecting our Native students andContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: 11/8/21

        Dear Commander Community, We continue to celebrate Native American Heritage Month and lift up our P.R.I.D.E. value of Dedication as we honor and recognize the accomplishments and achievements of our Native American Community. Check out theseContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: 11/1/21

        Dear Commander Community, November is Native American Heritage Month, and this is a time to truly reflect on how we can be more inclusive and celebratory of our beautiful differences and to dedicate ourselves to thinkingContinue Reading

Weekly Newsletter: 11/1/22

          Para leer este mensaje en español, haga clic aquí. Dear Commander Community, The first week of school was quite a success! Students learned and reacquainted with the school, got a ton of exercise tackling ourContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: 10/25/21

          Dear Commander Community, All families and students received their Quarter 1 progress report on Friday through email. Please take time as a family to celebrate successes from the first 9 weeks of school and gameContinue Reading

Weekly Family Newsletter: 10/18/21

        Dear Commander Community, Thank you so much to those of you who attended virtual conferences and our Fall Choir Conference. Connecting with teachers and attending extracurricular events builds our school to home connection, which is criticalContinue Reading

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