Collaborative School Committee

To review the May CSC Meeting Presentation, please visit the link here.

The May CSC Agenda and Minutes are linked here.

Historical CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

March CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

To review the March CSC Meeting Presentation, please visit the link here.

January CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Tiffany Almon, Jose Hernandez, Samantha Murray-Rognerud, Richard Maez, Ashley Frank , Lisa Borbon, David Christensen, Todd Nielsen, Alissa Warren, Brandi Garcia, Jose Banuelos

  1. (10 min) Call to Order and Warm Welcome — Fav Winter Activity
    1. Alissa-Explain roles of CSC
    2. Tiffany- budget balancing preface
  2. (30 min) State of the School focused on Budget and Reduction Recommendations
    1. Set notice in lounges by 1/19.
    2. Interviews for consideration done by next week.
    3. Fall adjustment; tiered support went down, staffed for 777, projected at 672.
    4. Priorities/vision
    5. Freshman and sophomore help establish seats and class sections spread across 8 periods.
    6. Current Teaching staff is 61, PE = 49 needed.
    7. SS = 11.5 SA = 4, Admin = 4.
    8. Positions to be considered: Admin (and maintained)
      1. 1.0 Principal
      2. 1.0 AP of Student Experience/AD
      3. 1.0 AP of CCS/Pathway Director
      4. 1.0 AP of Instruction and Student Services.
      5. 1.0 Den of Culture.
      6. Will be asking for assistance, requesting social worker.
    9. Positions to be Considered: SSP’s
      1. 1.0 Counselor (x3)
      2. 1.0 College Readiness coordinator (x1)
      3. 1.0 School Psychologist
      4. 1.0Student Advisor
      5. 1.0 Nurse
      6. 1.0 Social Worker (x1.5)
    10. Positions to be considered:  Classified/PROTECH
      1. 1.0 Family/Community Liaison (No current position, will not rehire)
      2. 1.0 Student Support Liaison (x2)
      3. 1.0 RJ Coordinator (Reduce by 1)
      4. 1.0 Library Tech
      5. 1.0 MyTech
      6. 1.0 STS: SAL (Picked up by admin staff)
      7. 1.0 Office Support 3 (x2) (Reduce and hire 1 office Manager)
      8. 1.0 Office Support 2 (x2)
      9. Para (x16) (Reduce by 1)
      10. REDUCTIONS:  F/C Liaison, RJ Coordinator, STS: SAL, Office Support 3, One para.
    11. Positions to be considered:  DCTA Teaching Staff (Cost is $111,000)
      1. Teacher (x61)
      2. 0.5 Teacher (x12) [Includes STL’s]
      3. 0.5 STL (x11)
      4. CLARIFICATION:  Uplift, LIA & YESS Mentoring is operational costs.
      5. REDUCTION Recommendations
    12. Clarification in what is happening with business class.
    13. CSC shares thoughts.
    14. Clarifying if 0.5 CTE role was included in projection.
    15. Clarification on operational roles. 
  3. (15 min) Questions
    1. Change in programming, none other than one.
    2. BCC and World language teachers often teach 6 courses.
    3. Clarification on PE roles and students course offerings for credits including JROTC.
    4. If teaching staff is being reduced, why is admin not being reduced?
      1. Admin is taking on more responsibilities with other administration duties including office responsibilities.
      2. Out of budget we are only paying for about 1.5 AP positions.
    5. Ratio of student to counselor  250:1.
      1. Mental Health Team is considered part of the counseling group.
  4. (7 min) Public Input
    1. Clarification in admin roles.
    2. If STL in consideration group is reduced, would STL be defaulted to a teaching position?
  5. (10 min) CSC Recommendations using Robert’s Rule of Order
    1. Reduction of 7.0 Teachers
    2. Attrition of 3.0
    3. Total of 10.0 Redcutions.
    4. No nay.
    5. Motion to Approve.
  6. Closing Comments
    1. Discussion for upcoming CSC Meetings.

December CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes


School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Tiffany Almon, Annie Walters, Samantha Murray-Rognerud, Richard Maez, Ashley Frank , Lisa Borbon, David Christensen, Todd Nielsen, Alissa Warren, Brandi Garcia

  1. (10 min) Call to Order and Warm Welcome
    1. Lisa – Holidays, son is coming home in a week, happiness
    2. Richard – Celebrating the growth in Alumni work
    3. Dawn (parent visitor) – thank you for having me!
    4. Jose (Band Director) – Finishing the semester! Grades are in!
    5. Samantha – My senior SPED class did a socratic seminar as their final, more participation and conversation than any co-taught class I’ve been in
    6. Todd – Future JFK night was a celebration, an awesome night to be part of
    7. Annie – Last CSC meeting, but amazing experience being here
    8. Dave – Made it through the first semester and my kids are acclimated and excited to be here
    9. Brandi – Made it through half the semester and excited to see what the new semester brings
    10. Alissa – Grades are going well, things look tidy
    11. Tiffany – The students are kind and fierce advocates and we have amazing staff that are here to support our kids and that we provide a safe and welcoming environment on the whole
  2. (7 min) Public Input
    1. Precision marksmanship gear arrived for ROTC, Army gave the money to the school to purchase
    2. JFK has increased the threshold for athletic participation to 0 failing grades (CHSAA threshold is students can have 1 failing grade)
  3. State of the School
    1. Important Calendar Items
      1. School starts for students on ⅓
      2. Report cards will be available for semester 1 on ⅛
        1. Survey that can go out for opt-out of receiving a physical copy
      3. External School Quality Review is on 1/17 from 3:10-3:45
        1. Would be helpful to have extended representation of voices, please let Tiffany know so that we can get that out to individuals
      4. ACCESS Testing is throughout the month of January
      5. P/SAT testing 4/16 and 4/17 with makeups 4/24-4/26
    2. Semester 2 Early Release
      1. Recognized a need for a second early release day per month for increased staff time to plan relevant and engaging lessons, more connections with families, and collaboration opportunities to better support students’ academic, social and emotional needs.
    3. Staffing Update
      1. Hired STL position for the Visual and Musical Arts Department
      2. Stilling hiring for:
        1. World Language 1.0 FTE
        2. MI Center 1.0 FTE
        3. AN Paraprofessional
        4. Visual Arts 1.0
        5. Athletic Secretary 1.0
        6. Dean of Culture 1.0
      3. Will not rehire
        1. Community Support Liaison
    4. School Data
      1. Attendance rate about 80%
  4. Budget Updates
    1. Getting a FACE Hub center, is that something that we could explore? – Todd
    2. How are we incorporating athletics and activities into our priorities and vision for the school? – Lisa

October CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes


School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Tiffany Almon, Annie Walters, Samantha Murray-Rognerud, Richard Maez, Ashley Frank , Lisa Borbon, David Christensen, Todd Nielsen, Alissa Warren, Brandi Garcia

  1. (10 min) Call to Order and Warm Welcome – Share a Kennedy Celebration — what is going well? 
    1. David — P/T conferences, great teachers!!
    2. Alissa — Turn out for PSAT 8/9! Students were prepared
    3. Brandi — Cheer program, football program, parent and student involvement
    4. Lisa — no news is good news, no parent complaints
    5. Ashley — the amount of emails that I got today for LoR from Seniors — Free College App Day — multiple college apps
    6. Sam — PSAT 8/9 went super smoothly, shorter times, liked on computer
    7. Richard — Sabin is giving kudos to the leadership for investment in the community / IB
    8. Todd — BTSN and P/T conferences — teachers available to have a conversation and the layout on the first floor and blacktop, looking forward to homecoming
    9. Annie — last week we had so many parent meetings who are struggling with attendance and behavior — no no-shows!!! 
    10. Tiffany — kick off has been positive
  2. (6 min) Public Input — no input necessary from Lisa Borbon
  3. (5 min) Agenda review and approval of minutes from previous meeting
  4. (15 min) Title 1 Presentation
  5. (20 min) Principal’s report
    1. Potentially add a section that includes student/staff/family responsibilities
    2. How do you create a culture of ownership among all community members
    3. Suggestions for secure perimeter: 
      1. This is a work in progress
      2. This was a collaborative discussion between members of the SLT, members of the DCTA, and administrators
      3. Close the entrance gates to the teacher lot and student lot
      4. North entrance is a hot spot for letting people in — we need to monitor this entrance as well
      5. Raptor is inconsistent
    4. Suggestions for internal supervision:
      1. Teachers had a hallwalk assignment — Richard Maez
        1. Ask students to come on a walk with us
      2. Staggered planning period duty
      3. Wears teachers down to get cussed at everyday by our students
      4. Parent volunteers??
      5. Consistency is key — Together is Better
    5. ISS room
      1. Can we please have the communication that students are in the Re-engagement room when they are in there?
      2. SSL will bring back learning from Skinner
      3. Behavior Team perspective: Thompson and Annie can tell students to go to class without much issue; but there are often issues when teachers are addressing students they don’t know. 
        1. Solution: teachers can walk with teachers who are “training” to redirect students
  6. Calendar and upcoming agenda itemsData Update
  7. Safety Update
  8. Enrollment update and next steps for increasing enrollment (potential barriers– offerings (AP), athletics, larger school feel, feeder school)
  9. Increasing school prideHOW???
  10. Pathway of elementary and middle school to Kennedy
  11. Date for next meeting – 11/9/23, 5 – 6:30pm

September CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes


School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Tiffany Almon, Annie Walters, Samantha Murray-Rognerud, Richard Maez, Ashley Frank , Lisa Borbon, David Christensen

  1. Call to Order and Warm Welcome – Share why you are excited about being a member of the JFK CSC and your favorite back to school tradition
    1. Tiffany Almon– 2 community members and 2 staff members that reached out to be on the committee, school supplies
    1. Ashley Frank— back again, knows the community, back to school shopping
    2. SAMANTHA ROGNERUD-MURRAY— love the connection with teachers, community members, parents which makes us a richer community, right before Sam goes back to school she goes on a long bike ride and afterwards she drinks lavender coffee
    3. Richard Maez— I enjoy it, served on CSC at GW, now on CSC at Sabin, long history and legacy in the community, one last camping trip in grand lake
    4. Annie Walters — love the community, birthday month is September, take a vacay of some capacity on birthday
    5. David Christensen– 9th and 10th kids are in 9th grade at Kennedy, sending the kids off
    6. Lisa Borbon — taking pictures of the kids on their first day before they leave the house, seeing Kennedy from a different angle
  2. Public Input
  3. Agenda review and approval of minutes from previous meeting
  4. Principal’s report
  5. CSC training
  6. Elect a parent chairperson to facilitate the meetings and elect a secretary
    1. David Christensen and potentially Todd Nielsen
    2. Rotating Secretary role
  7. Pass bylaws
    1. Review silently and individually review the bylaws. As we read, take note of any amendments or adjustments that might need to be made.
  8. Calendar and upcoming agenda items
    1. Principal’s report contains an update on the Data Mine process and the ask
    2. Enrollment update and next steps for increasing enrollment (potential barriers– offerings (AP), athletics, larger school feel, feeder school)
    3. Increasing school pride
      1. HOW???
      2. Pathway of elementary and middle school to Kennedy
  9. Date for next meeting – 10/12/23 5 – 6:30pm

CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

John F. Kennedy H.S.

2022-23 School Year

Date: 2.7.23

Meeting Location: ZOOM LINK 

School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Lisa Borbon, Tiffany Almon, Alissa Warren, Sam Rognerud-Murray, Paula – student 

  1. Slide Deck
  2. Warm Welcome and Celebrations 
  3. Review of budget

73% 0f budget is allocated towards teachers

green non salary- books, IXL math, English, Guest teachers

Gray- clerical

Red -protech

light blue- full time Admin

Blue -Part time (paraprofessionals)

Recommended position to not re-hire .5 art position

and hire an 11th STL position that is a .50 intervention teacher

The other .5 is to cover IB and coach the IB teachers

Questions were asked:

What does intervention look like?

This is an ability to use that person to teach any subject and any intervention that is needed.  Once a choice of studies is given from students then they will decide what that teacher will cover.( all present understood the title”intervention” of the 11th STL)

The proposal was put to a vote

Student voice Paula – Yes

Katanna – Yes

Lisa Borbon – Yes

Samantha Murray – Yes

Proposal passed.

Tiffany explained the process of how the reduced positions and members that have stated they will resign will look for jobs elsewhere.  They will be the first hired through DPS job openings.  All positions have had a person resign.

-They will need to hire an English teacher for next year

Next meeting will talk about UIP

Motion to adjourn-

1st – Lisa Borbon

2nd – Katanna

CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

John F. Kennedy H.S.

2022-23 School Year

Date: 1.11.23

Meeting Location: ZOOM LINK 

School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Stacy Gallegos, Lisa Borbon, Annie Walden-Newman, Tiffany Almon, Alissa Warren, Jennifer Nguyen, Sam Rognerud-Murray, Michelle Lopez 

  1. Slide Deck, Questions,  and Answers, Notes
  2. Warm Welcome and Celebrations 
  3. The role of CSC
  4. Budget recommendations from Principal
  5. CSC recommendations
  6. Open Forum if time permits

CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

John F. Kennedy H.S.

2022-23 School Year

Date: 12.13.22

Meeting Location: ZOOM LINK 

School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Stacy Gallegos, Lisa Borbon, Annie Walden-Newman, Tiffany Almon, Alissa Warren, Jennifer Nguyen, Sam Rognerud-Murray, Michelle Lopez 

  1. Slide Deck & Recording
  2. State of the School
  3. Budget Updates
  4. Presentation on Fentanyl
  5. Open Forum

CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

John F. Kennedy H.S.

2022-23 School Year

Date: 11.9.2022

Meeting Location: Google Meet

School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Lisa Borbon, Tiffany Almon, Alissa Warren, Sam Rognerud-Murray, Paula – student 

  1. Warm Welcome

PART I: Tu Voz Survey Data

PART II: JFK Mental Health / Suicide Prevention Presentation (Annie Walden-Newman, JFK Social Worker)
PART III: Title I Presentation (Tiffany Almon, Principal)

Slide Deck

CSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

John F. Kennedy H.S.

2021-22 School Year

Date: 10.19.22 Time: 5 – 6

Meeting Location: Meet Link

School Vision

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions of change. We find P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Dedication, and Excellence) in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

Committee Members in Attendance: Stacy Gallegos, Lisa Borbon, Annie Walden-Newman, Tiffany Almon, Alissa Warren, Jennifer Nguyen, Sam Rognerud-Murray, Michelle Lopez 

  1. Slide Deck & Recording
  2. Celebrations – Tiff- Good Conferences improvement – improvement-Come to school every day
    1. Stacy- Parent – 3 days of college applications day- improvement?
    2. Cathy Student – no celebrations – improvements – transfer students need more support
    3. Huyen- Student- improvement only one button for students w/disabilities for stairs, Dispoporationant ratio of minority students in IB classes
    4. Sam- Celebrations- Parent-teacher conferences- improvement keep upgrades
    5. Chayna: – Suggestion for Improvement: be on time turning in work, ask for help, and understand others.
    6. Annie -Celebrations 2 students she is working with  Improvements – getting freshmen to be excited
    7. Neveah – Celebration – being a senior – Improvement getting attendance up
  3. Improving Attendance at Kennedy There is an increase in attendance, but it is something we need to work on.  Critical factors- engage students and parents

We need to help with barriers

Current strategies- 

Calls/monitor data

Attendance contracts

celebrate good attendance

engagement team

Suggestions to help motivate students to come to school

minimize obstacles(personal reasons) Fill out a form.

Little incentives for students would work- 

Classroom incentives

Reports of lowest attendance classes 

  1. Strategies for increasing Enrollment at Kennedy

Review Data- Out of Boundary and out of District

Market the things we do to keep the students safe

Look at athletics 

Put signage around our building outside that promotes positives

Promote school culture, and positive relationships with peers and staff

Inclusive with all identities

Engage families to promote family ties

Have students visit our students

Graduation walk at elementary schools

Market our schools, clubs, unique sports

put these things on the websites

make it an interesting place to learn new facts they wouldn’t know about with welcoming and nice vibes

  1. Homecoming feedback

What works- stick with traditions

The game went well and halftime was good

Spirit had a lot of participation

What can change – Route of parade working on relationships

    DJ for HOCO

November will start covering budget

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Slide Deck & Recording
Warm Welcome and Celebrations 

Assign roles: 
Notetaker – Alissa Warren
Facilitator – Tiffany Almon
Process Observer
Role of the CSC
CSC Does
CSC Does Not
CSC Membership
State of the School update
Major Improvement Strategies drive our decisions as a school
“Rigorous, Relevant, and Joyful Learning Experiences Through Equitable Instructional Practice”
“Response to Data that Equitably Supports Students Successfully Graduating Prepared for their Post Secondary Goals “
“Authentic Community Connection”
Every Learner Thrives → JFK students are OUR students; we all share responsibility in supporting every single student at JFK
Black Excellence Plan
In alignment with JFK’s UIP and the Black Excellence Resolution

At JFK, this includes:
Empathy interviews with our Black families and intentional outreach to be more inclusive
Commanders for Equity work → student talk protocols
All staff engaged in IDI work
Black Family Alliance in collaboration with Traylor & BVIS
Preliminary Transitional Performance Framework
Intentionally called “Preliminary Transitional” due to the fact that this data was collected with the barriers of COVID and the impacts after (ie. attendance).
This data is based on a new CDE framework, which is different from the prior frameworks unique to DPS. 
We MUST have a 95% participation rate(PSAT and SAT)  or we will be dropped as an entire band, regardless of our performance in any other category
Unified Improvement plan:
School Performance Plan
Fall Adjustment Update

Preliminary Transitional Performance Framework
1. Intentionally called “Preliminary Transitional” due to the fact that this data was collected with the barriers of COVID and the impacts after (i.e., attendance).
2. This data is based on a new CDE framework, which is different from the prior frameworks unique to DPS. 
3. We MUST have a 95% participation rate(PSAT and SAT), or we will be dropped as an entire band, regardless of our performance in any other category
Unified Improvement plan:
School Performance Plan
Fall Adjustment Update

As of 9/13, we had 789 students actively registered and enrolled students, which is 126 students short of our projections. This has a roughly $701,000 impact on our budget. 
We actively budgeted last year, carried forward some funds, and saved some additional funds, which has kept us in the black.

CSC Slide Deck