Category: Weekly Newsletter

Commander Communicator: 1/10/25

Principal Message Welcome Back! We are so happy to welcome back students and staff this week. Although it was cold and snowy most days, students came back excited and eager to learn.  Starting next week on Tuesday, January 13, studentsContinue Reading

Commander Communicator: 12/6/24

Hello, Commander Community! We have one more week before we head into finals. Please encourage your students to connect with their teachers to ensure they finish the semester strong. Please see the finals schedule below. Read more here.

Commander Communicator: 10/18/24

You will not want to miss the next two weeks! We will be hosting our bonfire and powder puff games after school next Wednesday, October 23, and homecoming festivities will begin on October 28.  We want to thank our studentsContinue Reading

Commander Communicator: 10/4/24

Next week, students will take the practice P/SAT on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please see the schedule in the graphic shown in the newsletter below. Parent/Guardian Teacher conferences will also be held next week. Please come out to speak with yourContinue Reading

Commander Communicator: 9/20/24

We will be hosting our first “Pizza with the Principal” on September 23rd at 5:30 p.m. here at JFK. We invite you to come hear about what is happening in the building and other important information, such as our SchoolContinue Reading

Commander Communicator: 9/13/24

September 15-30: Hispanic Heritage Month September 19: Cap and Gown Orders @ Lunch September 20 from 7-9 p.m.: Hall Dance at Kennedy September 24 from 5-7 p.m.: Senior Family Graduation Meeting at JFK October 8 & 9 from 5-8 p.m.:Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 8/30/24

Hello, Commander Community! It was great seeing so many families Wednesday night at Back to School Night. I connected with some of you and got to know you better. If you could not attend Back to School Night, there willContinue Reading

Commander Communicator: 8/23/24

We hope you had a great first week back! We’re excited to have you here and look forward to an amazing semester. It was great to see students excited to be back in the building. Please note, we have madeContinue Reading

Commander Communicator: 8/16/24

Welcome back, Commanders! We hope you had an amazing and memorable summer. As we prepare for students to return next week, we wanted to share additional information and reminders. All DPS schools have switched to a new messaging platform, calledContinue Reading

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