Commander Communicator 11/11/2022

Posted November 10, 2022

Commander Communicator

A Message From Principal Almon

Dear Commander Community,

Please join me in recognizing the diverse and rich culture and impactful contributions of  Native and Indigenous People as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month. We look forward to the Native American Heritage celebration occurring on November 30th in our Gym during Advisory. 

A special message from our National Honor Society sponsor, Ms. Kelly Brick:

On Thursday night, we inducted 14 students into the National Honor Society.  They are joining the 38 current members in representing JFK in the best of the NHS pillars of leadership, character, scholarship and service.  The current NHS members did an amazing job during the ceremony, many of whom served as speakers, and they all represented JFK with outstanding PRIDE!  Rachel Marlow did an amazing job playing our National Anthem.

Please read below for important updates.

Have a Commander Kind of Day,

Tiffany Almon, Proud Principal

She, her, hers, and why they matter

If you would like to donate to our COVID Relief Fund, Venmo @JFKCommanders

Take Command of Your Future!

Upcoming Dates!

 Thank you toKate Leaf for collecting election results from our students! Click here to see the Kennedy election results!

Highlight: According to most polling, one of the most important issues to Gen Z is climate action. This is SUPER evident in how our student body voted in Waste No More, which will require Denver businesses/ apartments/ hotels to offer composting and recycling services. Nearly 90% of Kennedy voters said yes to this. Here’s to Gen Z gaining the power to vote and running for positions of power!

 Check out this week’s Future Center Newsletter  for Important messages for Senior families!