
Commander Communicator: 3/6/25

Important Dates March 1-31: Women’s History Month March 2-8: School Social Workers Week March 13: Kennedy Wellness Fair and Education Night March 19 from 6-7:30 p.m.: Choir Concert March 24-28:Spring Break; No school for students March 31: No school in observance of Cesar Chavez Day April 8 at 10 a.m.: SchoolChoice Round 2 opens April 18: No School for Students April 18 from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: HOSA Blood Drive Good Luck to the Girls Basketball Team Tonight We’re wishing our Girls Basketball team the best of luck tonight as they head into their playoff match!… Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 2/28/25

Important Dates February 28: Troupe 645 Inaugural Cabaret @ 6:00 p.m. March 1-31: Women’s History Month March 2-8: School Social Workers Week March 5 from 6pm – 7:30 p.m.: Spring MLE PAC Meeting March 6: Early Release Day (Modified Green Day)…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 2/21/25

Parent Involvement Opportunities at Kennedy Are you looking for more ways to get involved as a Commander Parent? Consider joining the Commander PTSA! For information on their meetings, email and Guardians are also invited to attend all Collaborative School Committee (CSC) Meetings…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 2/14/25

PSAT Testing  As we enter the Spring semester, we will soon be approaching the testing season. It is a priority for us to provide students with the support and resources to achieve at high levels and make academic gains. Students in 9th and 10th grades are expected to take the PSAT and students in 11th are expected to take the SAT each school year. … Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 2/7/25

Important Dates for Seniors Mandatory Senior Meeting – Wednesday, April 2 during advisory, JFK Auditorium Senior Product Work Due – Friday, May 9 Senior Finals (Done during regular class periods) – May 12, 13, 14 Senior Final Make Up Dates- (By appointment only)-May 15-16 Edgenuity Deadline- May 20 @ 4 p.m…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 1/31/25

Wish Week Begins on Monday, Feb. 3 Wish Week is a longstanding tradition where Kennedy’s Student Council partners with Make-A-Wish Colorado to raise money to help grant a wish to a child. Please consider donating to help Kennedy reach its goal of raising $2,500 and help Wish Kids like Emi,… Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 1/24/25

Immigration Family Resource Toolkit A Family Resource Toolkit is available to Kennedy families in English and Spanish. It contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 1/17/25

Principal Message It was another great week here at Kennedy. Congratulations to our Girls Basketball team who had an amazing win against Dakota Ridge this week! Saturday School  Saturday school will not run this Saturday due to frigid temperatures. We will resume on January 25th…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 1/10/25

Principal Message Welcome Back! We are so happy to welcome back students and staff this week. Although it was cold and snowy most days, students came back excited and eager to learn.  Starting next week on Tuesday, January 13, students in the Multilingual Education Program (MLE) will begin taking the ACCESS language test…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 12/6/24

Hello, Commander Community! We have one more week before we head into finals. Please encourage your students to connect with their teachers to ensure they finish the semester strong. Please see the finals schedule below. Read more here. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 10/18/24

You will not want to miss the next two weeks! We will be hosting our bonfire and powder puff games after school next Wednesday, October 23, and homecoming festivities will begin on October 28.  We want to thank our students and staff for their hard work last week during P/SAT…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 8/23/24

We hope you had a great first week back! We’re excited to have you here and look forward to an amazing semester. It was great to see students excited to be back in the building. Please note, we have made a small adjustment to our calendar…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 8/16/24

Welcome back, Commanders! We hope you had an amazing and memorable summer. As we prepare for students to return next week, we wanted to share additional information and reminders. All DPS schools have switched to a new messaging platform, called Thrillshare by Apptegy!… Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 10/4/24

Next week, students will take the practice P/SAT on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please see the schedule in the graphic shown in the newsletter below. Parent/Guardian Teacher conferences will also be held next week. Please come out to speak with your student’s teachers and better understand what is going on in their classes…. Continue Reading

Commander Communicator: 9/20/24

We will be hosting our first “Pizza with the Principal” on September 23rd at 5:30 p.m. here at JFK. We invite you to come hear about what is happening in the building and other important information, such as our School Performance Framework and Unified Improvement Plan…. Continue Reading