Attendance Line

Call the Attendance Line at 720-423-4354 or email to excuse your student’s absences.

Attendance Policy

John F Kennedy High School Attendance Policies:

At Kennedy, we believe that every minute of instruction matters; therefore, we have created the Attendance protocol to encourage all Commanders to be in all class periods, every day unless excused through school-related activities or for medical reasons.

At Denver Public Schools it is essential for students to attend school daily in order to acquire the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to be college- and career- ready. 

If a student is absent from school, whether excused or unexcused, more than 10 days total in a school year, that student will not be meeting Denver Public Schools attendance expectations. Please note that school activities do not count in this number as students are considered present for school activities.

Families and students have consistent access to see attendance and tardy percentages using parent and student portal.  Please check the attendance of your student at least once a week, if not every day.

Excused Absence:  Per state law and DPS Policy JHB-R, an excused absence are those  absences excused by permission from both the parent/guardian AND school administration. Such absences include those that are the result of the following:

 1. temporary illness or injury

2. physical, mental, or emotional disability or condition

3. religious observances

4. death in the immediate family

5. school service absences (absences that occur as a result of participation in school activities that are authorized and pre-approved by the school leader).

The school reserves the right to excuse absences pending appropriate documentation. If a student’s absences exceed what the state of Colorado deems to be an appropriate number of absences (10 per year) then absences even for the resources cited above may not be excused.

Compulsory* School Attendance & Truancy:

According to Colorado State Law (Colorado Revised Statutes Sections 22-33-104 to 22-33-?: School Attendance Act of 1963):

Children between the ages of 6 (on August 1 of each year) and 16 must attend school. Each school district will have at least one attendance officer designated to enforce compulsory education law. The school board for each district will adopt and implement policies and procedures for addressing habitually truant students and their guardians. The goal is to help children stay in school.

Penalties for student truancy can include, but are not limited to, guardians being summoned to appear in court and face penalties as decided by an assigned judge, students being mandated to wear an ankle monitor, placement in juvenile detention, intervention of a Department of Child Services case worker.

*Compulsory — Required by law

According to the Denver Public School Board, (Policy JHB, linked below):

If a student is absent without an excuse signed by the parent/guardian or if the student leaves school or a class without permission of the teacher or administrator in charge, the student shall be considered truant.  “Habitually Truant” shall be defined as a student of compulsory attendance age who has four total days of unexcused absences from school in any one month or 10 total days of unexcused absences during any school year.

Family and School Communication:

Families are expected to communicate with the school’s main office/attendance secretary (contact numbers listed below) any time a student is not present at school for any period of time during the school day. All excuses must be communicated within 24 hours of the absence.

Family members not documented within a student’s Infinite Campus student profile may not excuse, dismiss, request, or receive any information pertaining to that student. Please update contact information and add anyone who may excuse a student’s absence with your permission through the school’s main office. 

Communication from the school to families will occur daily at 3 p.m. with an automated message.  This message will inform guardians if a student has been marked absent from one or more of their morning classes, or one or more of their afternoon classes.  Families are encouraged to use the Parent Portal to stay informed on a daily basis about their student’s attendance. If a student is expressing that their attendance record is inaccurate- for example, they say they were late to a class as opposed to absent- please contact the main office.  

Academic Impact:

Upon return from an excused absence, as outlined above, a student will have opportunities to make up missing work. Students will not be permitted to make-up work if the absence is unexcused.